Mercury Human Resources

Personnel Management

It is the perfect tool to manage your company's most important asset, your personnel.

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In the payroll module you can perform the calculation of payments, deductions and employer's contributions in accordance with the provisions of the labor, tax and social security code in force.

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Evaluation competencies and Objectives

With this module, you can perform evaluations of your company's personnel. The completion of the evaluations can be done by the employee himself/herself from a computer.

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Recruitment and Selection

It is the solution to control the recruitment and selection process from point to point getting the most out of it by having a centralized candidate pool and an effective talent scout available.

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Sale and implementation of systems

We have a wide portfolio of systems for the different economic turns in the areas of Human Resources, Accounting, Schools and Banking.

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Technological infrastructure

We offer a broad catalog of specialized engineering services for the implementation of Information Technology solutions. At present, the technological infrastructure is a key factor for the success and efficiency of the operation of any company.

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Security and Backup

Technology is the structure in which the company of today is based. And information is the most valuable commodity in the world; At present, it is created, consumed and delivered with permanent connectivity.

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Cloud computing

Cloud Computing is probably the most mentioned term in the IT world today. The savings in licensing costs, hardware, electric power, qualified human resources and others, sounds attractive enough to think about adopting this trend.

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The application of this technology allows optimizing the IT infrastructure of companies, achieving significant reductions in operating . It is possible to reduce operating and hardware costs by up to 50%, energy consumption up to 80%

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Recent updates


Compensación impuesto sobre la renta

Compensación de impuesto sobre la renta considerando impuestos pendientes de compensar de años anteriores al año en curso.


Consulta detallada de compensaciones de ISR

Consulta de compensaciones de impuesto sobre la renta de forma detallada en la fecha que se ejecutó en los cálculos de nóminas mensuales, bonificación y prestaciones laborales, facilitando el rastreo de los montos compensados durante el año


Aplicar descuento de avance vacaciones pagado por nómina en los dos periodos próximos de nómina del empleado

Aplicar descuento de avance vacaciones pagado por nómina en los dos periodos próximos de nómina del empleado en dos montos iguales al 50% del salario. Por ejemplo, si el empleado en la 1ra. quincena mes de enero se le pagan 14 días de salario de vacaciones, monto que tiene incluido el salario del próximo periodo de nómina + prima vacacional, en la 2da. quincena de enero y en la primera del mes de febrero, le será descontado el 50% de su salario fijo.


Customer reviews

Rebecca Lin

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit. Nam eusem scelerisque tempor, varius quam luctus dui. Mauris magna metus nec."

Marcus Rashford

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec adipiscing elit. Nam eusem scelerisque tempor, varius quam luctus dui. Mauris magna metus nec."